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thehill | US seeks 'Goldilocks response' from Israel as Hezbollah tensions spike, 30 July

[T]he White House came out Monday saying Israel has a right to defend itself, while calling for diplomacy to calm tensions on both sides.
simile suicide
"Israel seems poised to conduct a pretty punishing strike against Hezbollah," said Brian Katulis, senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy at the Middle East Institute.

"I think what the White House may be hoping for in its public messaging and what it's doing privately is similar to the Goldilocks response ... not too hard to cause a broad regional war, not too soft to have no impact at all. But something that's just somewhere in between," he continued.

(C) Both
(D) Neither
(E) I don't know
by Cat on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 at 01:48:15 AM EST
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