Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Earlier, a gratuitous remark by youtube retired CIA analyst Larry Johnson (@15:13 "I just got a note, the shooter was identified as a Chinese national") prompted me to survey the innerboobs more thoroughly, while idly wondering what sort of "secret service" detail, photographed in combat fatigue, guarded the body of the slain assailant in situ.

This morning I found that CNN, frozen in time, had updated the LIVE BLOG to note with some detail that LE at the crime scene had identified the lone gunman between 11 PM and 7 AM. Sadly, I didn't capture the headline timestamp "3 hours ago".

Until further notice, I award CNN the scoop. But the diverse channels by which news publishers repeated Mr Crooks' profile since then can only be described "amusing".  Evidently, ChatGPT editors worldwide (except in STATE-OWNED CHINESE MEDIA armed with identical, syndicated "content") are perplexed by the adolescent perp's uhh political motive. One may only hope that an avatar Facebook manifesto will soon come to light...

by Cat on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 at 04:01:58 PM EST
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