Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross?

WILKERSON: Joe Biden's remarks appalled me. I mean, what planet is Biden living on? And yet when I ask that question, I understand the phenomenon, because I've had to live with it myself, especially and vividly the last twenty years. He said, and I wrote this down, we cannot and must not go down this road in America. we cannot and must not go down this road in America, referring to violence, political violence, or otherwise. What planet is he living on? There are 494 million guns in this country. We killed 43 million people with those guns last year, probably equal to that this year. We have a shooting almost daily in America. We have a mass shooting almost weekly, certainly monthly. We have more political violencee oveseas that we are instrumental in, if not cause of—Ukraine and Gaza standing out most violently, brually, and cruelly. We're perpetraing those conflicts—Oh, those are brown people. Oh, those are Ukrainians; that doesn't count: I guess, that's what they say to themselves, and when I say 'they', I mean, Blinken and Sullivan and Biden and Austin and the  Congress of the United States, almost to a man, to a woman. We live in one of the most politiclly violent countries ever in the history of the world and, certainly, in the modern age
of a desire for more cows
by Cat on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 at 04:29:56 PM EST

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