Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I confess: until this weekend, I expected the DNC to "power through" (as HRC might say) with Biden rather than sabotage the pedestal of "average voter" ANYONE BUTTRUMP unity and favorable poll point ladder on which his victory rests.

IF TRUE, strategists would arrange Kamala?!'s succession—without invoking 25th amdt—by Joe Memtum's voluntary, heroic retirement shortly after inauguration in Q1: the Truman option bolstered by Biden's praetorian guard.

IF FALSE, strategists would commit Kamala?!'s brokered convention nomination to a contentious loss 5 Nov, celebrity endorsements and partisan loyalty notwithstanding. The "hive" is out-numbered by disgruntled (R) and (I), Kamala?!s undistinguished career notwithstanding.

I still expected the DNC (superdelegates) to "power through" Biden's nomination, because there simply is not time enough to season any alternate POTUS nominee. ANYONE BUTTRUMP is the bed on which the incumbents lay, coincidental "political violence" and FIGHTS for democracy notwithstanding. Either scenario augurs defeat, particularly if The Don Cheeto does not retaliate according to script.

by Cat on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 at 05:24:29 PM EST
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