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Did Israel know? @11:06-24:30

timesofisrael | IAF tracked drone that hit Tel Aviv for 6 minutes, but failed to classify it as threat (20.07.24)
A Houthi drone launched from Yemen that exploded in Tel Aviv early Friday [19 July] was tracked by the Israeli Air Force for at least six minutes before the attack that killed an Israeli man and wounded others, according to an initial probe carried out by the military.
According to military assessments, the drone did not follow a direct route to Israel from Yemen. The drone traversed Egypt and flew into Tel Aviv from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea at a low altitude, making a trip of over 2,000 (1,200 miles) kilometers to reach Israel. The Houthis are thought by the IDF to have modified the Iranian-made [Samad-3] drone so that it carried under 10 kilograms of explosives, down from its standard 18 kilograms. It was thus able to hold more fuel, fly for longer, and reach Israel.
AI-assisted human error
by Cat on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 at 05:24:47 PM EST

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