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Microsoft Warns That China Wants To Use AI To Disrupt Elections; But Basically Ignores Its Failures To Disrupt The Taiwanese Election | TechDirt - 12 April 2024 |

I'm not sure we should welcome in our new AI-powered robot overlords determining how elections come about just yet.

The media keeps telling me that deep fakes and generative AI are going to throw all of the important elections this year into upheaval. And maybe it's true, but to date, we've seen very little evidence to support anything serious.

There are a lot of questions this year about the impact that generative AI tools will have on elections, but the predictions of the power of these tools still remain greatly exaggerated.

The latest is the Guardian reporting that China is looking to use AI to "disrupt elections in the US, South Korea, and India" based on warnings from Microsoft.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 at 08:56:53 AM EST

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