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Biden or Trump? | US vs. Amazon | AI in the crosshairs | by Josh Bernoff - Jan. 2024 |

We are about to enter the extended, loud, contentious, and tedious US presidential election season. In some election years this is a difficult choice. But this year, it's not.

By all indications, the election will be a rematch between ex-President Donald Trump and incumbent President Joe Biden. News media are doing everything possible to create drama around the primary election season, but unless the polls are way off, it's a pretty long shot for any other candidates to get the nomination.

The last time two incumbents faced off against each other was in 1892, when ex-President Grover Cleveland defeated incumbent President Benjamin Harrison in a rematch of the previous election cycle. This year's election features a few things now that were missing from that election -- like cars, the internet, and women voting -- so the historical record has little to teach us.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 at 02:53:18 PM EST

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