Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Canada set to revoke Jewish National Fund's charitable status | Mondoweiss |

Score a significant victory against apartheid, genocide and Palestinian dispossession. The powerful Jewish National Fund of Canada has reportedly had its charitable status revoked.

My early diary

Childhood Kamala Harris Jewish National Fund collection for the Zionist state

Isaiah Weeps: Jewish National Fund, GOD-TV Erase Israeli Bedouin Village to Bring Jesus' Second Coming | Tikun Olam - 6 Dec 2010 |

If anyone needed evidence of the fact that the nationalists extremists running this Israeli government have made unholy alliance with Christian Zionist extremists, there can be no better example than this.  This sign proudly erected a few hundred feet from where Al Araqib lies boasts not only that GOD-TV is partnering with the JNF is destroying a Bedouin community-it has the chutzpah to quote Isaiah.  This brilliant prophet committed to justice and morality is being exploited to whitewash pure evil.  It would make the man who proclaimed these words cry out in his anger and his shame:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.

Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because
I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the
midst of a people of unclean lips.

What do you mean by beating my people
to pieces, and grinding the faces of the poor?

He looked for judgement, but behold oppression;
for righteousness, but behold a cry.

When you see images of the young, green saplings planted by JNF juxtapose this image with the following news of the devastation the Israeli government wrought in 2004 on these same fields when they were planted and harvested by the native Bedouin.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Jul 28th, 2024 at 03:12:51 PM EST

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