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LinkedIn co-founder's PAC may challenge Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush`| Fox Business |

Progressive lawmakers Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush could face primaries from a PAC funded by Reid Hoffman

A Democrat-aligned political action committee (PAC) largely funded by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman could fund primary challenges against progressive Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Cori Bush, D-Mo., who have sparked controversy with their criticism of Israel in the wake of Hamas' terror attack.

Dmitri Mehlhorn, Hoffman's longtime political adviser, reached out to the Mainstream Democrats PAC to gauge a potential primary challenge from more moderate candidates capable of defeating Tlaib and Bush in their deep blue districts. The news was first reported by CNBC, and Mehlhorn later confirmed his thinking to Forbes and Jewish Insider.

"One of the very, very small silver linings of this horrible moment is that it does modestly increase the likelihood that we can remove some of these members of Congress," Mehlhorn told Jewish Insider.

He told the outlet that like-minded donors have since reached out to him in support of the effort, saying that he believes there's "a winning electoral coalition, a large governing majority of Americans who want their leaders to be able to condemn violent atrocities and mass rape."

A Big-Money Operation Purged Critics of Israel From the Democratic Party | The Intercept - 27 Nov 2023 |

How the Israel lobby moved to quash rising dissent in Congress against Israel's apartheid regime.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 at 10:22:15 PM EST
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