Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
ChatGPT euronews | Travel chaos could hit Paris airports just before the Olympics if strike goes ahead, 9 July
"Workers at Paris airports are threatening to go on strike ahead of the start of the Olympics. Unions which represent workers for the Aéroports de Paris (ADP)—including the airports of Roissy-Charles de Gaulle and Orly—are calling for strike action on Wednesday 17 July. The reason for the strike? A dispute over bonuses for staff. If the walkout by members of the CGT, CFDT, FO, and UNSA unions does go ahead, it might cause disruption just nine days before the first day of the Games."

NEW! script. Places, everyone! French trade union boss hints at protests during Olympics, 11 July

Faced with a hung parliament, Mr Macron called in his open letter for a coalition of all MPs, with the exception of the populist National Rally and the radical left France Unbowed (LFI) party, who are a significant part of the NFP alliance but are seen as almost as extreme < wipes tears > as RN by many in the French president's centrist < wipes tears > group.
Ms Binet hinted that protests could continue during the Olympics if Macron did not comply, saying "at this stage, we haven't planned any strikes during the Olympics, but if Macron continues to throw petrol on to the flames..." The Olympic Games start on 26 July.
The railway workers' branch of the CGT responded by calling for protests on 18 July, the day when the newly elected parliament is scheduled to convene. It said the protests should take place in front of prefectures, the seats of state authority all around the country, and in front of the National Assembly in Paris, to demand that the NFP form a government.

The leader of the radical < wipes tears > left LFI, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also slammed Mr Macron, saying: "It is the return of the royal veto over universal suffrage! That is enough. He must bow down and call on the NFP. That is simply democracy."

rfi | Seine fit for swimming most of past 12 days, Paris city hall says ahead of Olympics, 12 July
by Cat on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 at 03:09:26 PM EST
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