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For Fascist Western Ukraine, Hungary is one enemy too many.

Transcarpathia, a multi-ethnic region wedged between Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania, the cradle of Ukraine's Hungarian community.

Transcarpathian Oblast is the westernmost province in Ukraine, as well as the safest

Experts warn that the Hungarian populist leader -- an ally of Vladimir Putin -- is fueling a potential conflict between national groups. He's pulling Kyiv into what academic Dmitro Tuzhanskii has defined as "an ethnic trap.""The issue of national minorities has been decisive in the latest decisions on EU enlargement. Countries that haven't ignored it have moved faster towards the EU. Those who undervalued it have been left on a long and tedious path [towards gaining entry]," Tuzhanskii wrote in a report earlier this year, which was published by the political think tank GLOBSEC.

The Hungarian demands mirrors the Russian dispute over ethnic Russians and the Kyiv language law which is contrary to human rights and born out of right-wing fascism of Lviv and surrounding regions in Western Ukraine.

'Neo-Nazism' poisons Ukraine, Europe under US, West's connivance | Global Times - May 2022 |

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 at 12:15:51 PM EST
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