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ChatGPT | Hostile Trump takes the stage at hostile Black journalists' conference, 1 Aug
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The 34-minute talk—apparently cut short at the instruction of the Trump campaign—left audience members stunned.
Billed by NABJ as a fireside chat < wipes tears >, the 1,100 attendees waited more than an hour before the event got underway at the Hilton Chicago on Michigan Avenue.
PLUS hazardous working conditions
Trump's appearance at invitation to the annual conference had set off a controversy before he even took the stage.

On Tuesday [30 July Harris Hotlanta Day], some black journalists and others condemned the former president's invitation to address journalists, decrying that organizers would offer Trump a platform. Others, however, defended the decision, saying it was an opportunity and duty for journalists to interview a presidential candidate regardless of how they felt about the GOP presidential nominee.

NABJ Co-Chair Karen Attiah said she would step down after not being "involved or consulted with in any way." Femi Redwood, chair of the NABJ's LGBTQ+ task force, said she was "disturbed" [that] the task force "was not invited into conversations about hosting Trump considering the damage he has caused black queer and trans people."

"This is the single dumbest and worst decision in NABJ history [est'd. 1975]," Carron J. Phillips, a 2019 and 2020 NABJ award winner, wrote Tuesday on X. "Whoever made this call is an idiot. And I'll say it to their face this week."

cnn | 'Say it to my face': Harris calls out Trump during Atlanta rally , 30 July 2:28 PM video
"During a rally in Atlanta, Vice President Kamala Harris called out former President Donald Trump after his campaign said it would not commit to any future debates until the Democratic Party formally chooses a nominee."

recommended july 30, 2024 harris atlanta rally video (excluding Megan Thee Stallion)

by Cat on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 at 05:45:26 PM EST
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