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More basic electricity for the bottom billion?

yes   2 votes - 100 %
no   0 votes - 0 %
not yes   0 votes - 0 %
not no   0 votes - 0 %
neither yes nor no   0 votes - 0 %
both yes and no   0 votes - 0 %
don't understand the question?   0 votes - 0 %
none of the above   0 votes - 0 %
2 Total Votes

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 at 08:14:36 AM EST
China opens World's Largest offshore Solar Power Facility, as U.S. Falls Farther Behind | Juan Cole |

China is the most advanced solar society in the world with over 600 gigawatts of installed solar capacity, which saves the country billions of dollars a year over paying for imported fossil gas. The US is in comparison backward, only having about 130 GW of solar.

It is therefore no surprise that Beijing has, as Aman Tripathi reports, just connected to high capacity transmission wires the world's large offshore solar plant off the coast of Shandong Province, a 1-gigawatt facility. The facility also does fish farming.

The nearly 3,000 photovoltaic platforms are attached to fixed pilings in the sea floor and are spread over an area of some 4 square miles. It will generate enough power to provide electricity to 2.6 million people.

And this installation is only the beginning. China is aiming to have 60 gigawatts of offshore solar in only 3 years from now -- an incredible build-out if it happens.

China also already has 61 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity. Wind, water, solar and battery are clearly the way forward on meeting the world's power needs while avoiding massive carbon pollution.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 at 08:15:07 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Morocco will double its green energy production in the Sahara ahead of the World Cup in 2030

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 at 08:25:08 AM EST
Utility-scale renewables are going gangbusters these days.  The economics are such that even the election of Trmp will probably not halt their rapid growth.

However, the investment needed to hook everyone up to the grid is far more expensive than the costs of providing basic or entry level electricity to the bottom billion (or 700,000 now without any electricity at all).  $30 billion per year between now and 2030, if I read correctly, as opposed to less than $1 billion, total, by my estimates of what is available now off the shelf.

Solar IS Civil Defense

by gmoke on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 at 07:34:11 PM EST
[ Parent ]
True ... two different worlds ... however the Global South owns  the sun energy of the equator and dry Sahara desert ... the fossil fuel Arab countries too are doing well in solar power ... Saudi Neom metropolis.

Saudi Arabia is building a 400-MW solar microgrid backed by 1.3 GWh of energy storage capacity to ensure clean energy supply for the Red Sea Project on the west coast of the Kingdom. [Source: Huawei]

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 at 07:56:07 PM EST
[ Parent ]
My Spidey sense is picking up the idea that Neom is going to be a total disaster, probably very like the many Chinese empty cities they built over the last decade or two.

But I could very well be wrong.

Solar IS Civil Defense

by gmoke on Mon Nov 18th, 2024 at 09:12:39 PM EST
[ Parent ]

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