by d52boy
Wed Jun 29th, 2005 at 11:14:56 PM EST
If you have any interest in what's going on in China beyond the CNN level of China-is-booming-they're-taking-our-jobs, I highly recommend EastSouthWestNorth, a graphically bare-bones but content-rich site filled with local stories of all sorts.
Before I forget, the link:
I'll just go down the list of current stories you can find here.
*A photo essay of a husband-wife team of drug dealers being arrested in Shanghai--with a surprising twist.
*Another photo-essay of families being evicted from their homes in Chongqing by a group of thugs.
*Retrospective coverage of the July 1, 2004 march in Hong Kong, and a preview of the one upcoming.
*Photos and eyewitness accounts of a street riot in Chizhou.
*Notes from a Shanghai reporter that could not be published in China.
and so on. A ground-level view, very hard to find elsewhere. Even Soj misses some of these!