by Agnes a Paris
Wed Mar 22nd, 2006 at 04:23:52 AM EST
"The fallacy that bloggers have replaced real news hounds", writes John Gapper in the FT Business Column.
Worried, pal ? True, with on-line newspaper sites offering space for bloggers (like Le Monde) and the quality of some forums ---yes, I am thinking European Tribune here--no wonder traditional reporters believe they have troubled days ahead of them.
Isn't a reasonable degree of competition a guarantee of improved quality ?
Another critical question is whether there is a vacuum in the traditional newspress that bloggers manage to fill successfully. My answer is yes.
The internet has set off an explosion of opinion-writing, and news agregation. But it has not, so far, produced a lot of first-hand reporting by non-professionals.
Let's debunk that assertion !
Attemps to replicate reporting of national and international news wtih citizen journalsim in the US and Europe, such as Wikinews, have not fared particularly well.
Indeed ? They missed the existence of ET...