by Lily
Fri May 29th, 2009 at 06:08:26 PM EST
In part one, I mentioned 5 ways to make ET more attractive:
- Classify topics in sections; frame the ET agenda
- Attribute content to contributors
- Open up for linguistic communitarism
- Change the rating system
- Abandon the current front-page system
ad 1) Others have expressed their interest in creating sections but technical implications have been misjudged. The improvement wouldn't justify the workload.
A majority doesn't want to see any framed agenda on the site though there is agreement on the sites' "progressive social and political" leaning, its pro-European attitude and an unease with religion/faith entering any political discourse.
ad 2) The attribution of specialist knowledge or interests to contributors doesn't find interest at large though some wouldn't mind if it was there.
ad 3) Opening up for linguistic communitarism (maybe on a future platform) is welcomed.
ad 4) There have been heated exchanges about ratings. The community is split on the question. Poll results have been so far: 7 voters (53 %) did not like the ratings I suggested, 5 voters (38 %) did like it, 1 (7%) didn't care. - Some suggested other possible ways to rate comments. Frank and melo tried out melo's system. Some suggest that ratings be dropped altogether or that ratings be simplified.
The majority feels uncomfortable about expressing disagreement through ratings.
No consensus or majority in favour of some different system emerged.
ad 5) Few wanted that the current front page system be abandoned. Some expressed their belief that it is needed to keep the site going, and front pagers like their job despite the workload.
Other topics emerged and can be further discussed:
A) Should the site grow (become more relevant, have more impact)?; how and what would be the benefits and drawbacks?
B) What is ET's audience? (business, academia, others)?
C) Technical aspects (tag clouds, coding, plugins, MarketTrustee's annotated layouts etc.) were discussed among MarketTrustee, vladimir, Migeru, someone, ceebs and others.
D) Should ET be "laïque" and show religion the door? Jerome and ValentinD hid behind smileys...
E) What is meant by "progressive" in Europe; what is its meaning in the US; is progressive the opposite of regressive? What does anyone imply when they call ET a "progressive" site. Is there a European consensus on the definition?
(I may add more within the diary as soon as I'll be able to access the old diary again.)