by Crazy Horse
Fri Aug 2nd, 2013 at 05:22:19 AM EST
Recent stories coming out of Fukushima have been horrible, especially if one "believes" that the oceans have something to do with our quality of life, if not life itself.
I ran across even more recent stories which leave horrible in the cesium dust.
Fukushima: From Horrible to Horrendous
The chairman of the NRA also says (via the New York Times):
"Considering the state of the plant, it's difficult to find a solution today or tomorrow... That's probably not satisfactory to many of you. But that's the reality we face after an accident like this... We don't truly know whether that will work...."
Indeed, technology doesn't currently even exist to stabilize and clean up Fukushima, and Tepco - with no financial incentive to actually fix things - has only been pretending to clean it up.
How much of this article can be vetted? (I'm quite busy at the moment, but felt this article needed a diary, so the claims can be verified or not.)
And the problems which have been detected at ground-level are only the tip of the iceberg. Japan Times points out:
Cesium levels in water under Fukushima No. 1 plant soar the deeper it gets, Tepco reveals
Tepco found 950 million becquerels of cesium and 520 million becquerels of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances, including strontium, in the water from 13 meters [~43 feet] underground.
Water from 1 meter down contained 340 million becquerels, and a sample from 7 meters down contained 350 million becquerels.
Cesium, a metallic element, is subject to gravity.
If half of this article is true, we'll also have a great time watching those championing the next golden age of nuclear power make the arguments on why none of this info matters, that radioactivity is a minor inconvenience, like x-rays and airplane flights, and that if this had occurred in Sweden, it would already have been cleaned up, stored in magic bottles and cast into the secure depths.
This is truly a disaster of which we know very little, but it's also an indictment of our current governance, our current economics, our current civilization.
Since it's warm enough in Yurp to imagine loss of coolant, let's renew the Fukushima discussion series, to see where we stand.
Update [2013-8-7 6:59:27 by Migeru]:
Japan disaster threads:
- Fukushima: Horrendous by Crazy Horse on August 2nd, 2013
- Nuclear Power Plants and Superstorm Sandy. by ARGeezer on November 1st, 2012
- Tracking Radiation from Fukushima by gmoke on April 5th, 2012
- The Linux of Nuclear power by Luis de Sousa on November 5th, 2011
- Half-Year Fukushima Meltdown Remembrance by Crazy Horse on September 15th, 2011
- Aging Nuclear Power: USA and Around the World by gmoke on July 22nd, 2011
- Energy turnaround in Sweden by DoDo on July 11th, 2011
- Disappeared Fukushima Thread by Crazy Horse on June 12th, 2011
- Merkel's nuclear exit by DoDo on June 1st, 2011
- Fukushima Daiichi; photo by tuasfait on May 12th, 2011
- Harvard Workshop on the 25th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Accident by gmoke on April 28th, 2011
- Nukes - "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime" by nb41 on April 25th, 2011
- Fukushima: Time To Turn The Page by afew on 04/25/2011
- Citizens' Radiation Monitoring Networks by gmoke on 04/23/2011
- Fukushima: now as bad as Chernobyl by Migeru on 04/11/2011
- Fukushima: damage limitation by Migeru on 04/04/2011
- Fukushima: Prayers and Petitions by gmoke on 04/04/2011
- Fukushima trouble headlines by das monde on 03/31/2011
- Question on Background Radiation by Crazy Horse on 03/30/2011
- Fukushima, No End In Sight by afew on 03/29/2011
- Green-Red Rising? by DoDo on March 27th, 2011
- ET Stays On The Reactor Case... by Crazy Horse on 03/26/2011
- Seesaw Coverage of Nuclear Power by gmoke on 03/23/2011
- A second week of Japanese disaster by ceebs on 03/20/2011
- Japan disasters thread - a week after by DoDo on 03/17/2011
- Policy fallout: nuclear shutdowns in Germany by DoDo on 03/17/2011
- Another Japan News Thread by afew on 03/16/2011
- Continuing Japanese Disaster Open Thread by ceebs on 03/16/2011
- Japan: New Open Thread by afew on 03/15/2011
- Continued Japanese Disaster Thread by ceebs on 03/14/2011
- The end of nukes? by Jerome a Paris 03/13/2011
- Japan disasters open thread by DoDo on 03/13/2011
- Japanese Earthquake Diary by ceebs on 03/11/2011