by eurogreen
Tue Mar 29th, 2022 at 04:26:30 PM EST
Over the past few days, the positions of the belligerants seem to have become largely fixed : the Russians are no longer advancing; the many simultaneous sieges of Ukrainian cities seem to make little progress; the Ukrainian army even seems to be advancing in certain regions. Movement of Russian troops indicate consolidation or even retreat.
Serious negotiations are in progress in Turkey, and this afternoon :
Russia's deputy defence minister, Alexander Fomin, said Moscow had decided to "radically reduce military activity in the direction of Kyiv and Chernihiv" in order to "increase mutual trust" and create the right conditions to sign a peace deal with Ukraine.
Add your news, interpretations, predictions, opinions. Is there finally an end in sight? And what will the post_war world look like?
Frontpaged - Bernard