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Demanding Dominance: The Archetypes of Leadership in the USA

by Frank Schnittger Fri Oct 18th, 2024 at 10:22:40 PM EST

For a long time I have tried to understand politics in terms of marketing, policy and administrative competence. It's about selling ideas, developing coherent policies, appealing to different demographics, and showing an ability to master the complex dynamics of managing change in huge bureaucracies.

But sometimes you also have to admit you got it almost entirely wrong. By those measures Trump should be 20 percentage points behind in the US election campaign, and yet he has remained consistently 2.4 to 3.2% behind Harris in polling of the popular vote, and within sight of winning the electoral college.

This election simply isn't about competence or policy or what is objectively best for America. It's about demonstrating dominance in an almost feral way. It doesn't matter that Trump has become increasingly incoherent as the campaign has progressed and very little of what he says is true. He is appealing to an almost atavistic sense of what many Americans believe a true leader should look like: Male, white, rich, successful, powerful, big, physically dominant and sexually in control.

Everything has to be on Trumps terms. His rallies aren't about trying to reach out to and persuade the persuadables. They are about indulging his joy at being the dominant figure in the room. They are not even about winning the election. He has held many of them in states he has no hope of carrying.

His rants can go on for up to two hours and are far more incoherent than any stumbles by his former nemesis, Joe Biden. At a recent "town hall" meeting in Pennsylvania, he simply stopped taking questions from the audience and swayed to his own his own music favourites list for 39 minutes.

It doesn't matter. He is showing energy. He is showing control. He is demanding dominance. And that is what many of his followers are looking for. He is John Wayne to Harris' Penélope Cruz: The MAIN MAN to her pretty supporting actress role. Her attempt to win the Presidency is akin to trying to overturn the natural order of things. It just ain't right.

And before it is said that this is a racist stereotype, it is clear that Trumps emotional appeal stretches well beyond his rural, working class, white, male base. He is polling well with women and black and Hispanic voters as well. He is the living embodiment of "THE PATRICARCHY STRIKES BACK" against all this feminist, woke, LGBTQ+ empathetic nonsense - a throwback to when women and racial minorities knew their place, and were often psychologically quite comfortable or at least well-adjusted to it.

American society is changing, but that doesn't mean the changes are always for the better or that everyone is comfortable with those changes. Like in any change process, there are winners and losers. Working class, manual, rural and less educated voters have long been losing out, and they are increasingly being joined by middle class voters as the middle classes are being hollowed out by automation, computerisation and now, artificial intelligence.

Trump won't solve any of those problems, but he is addressing their emotional consequences. Hillary Clinton derided the "basket of deplorables" who clung to their guns and religion. Trump embraces them, and no matter how hard Harris tries, she just doesn't seem their natural ally. It doesn't matter what the pollsters say. It is the people who actually go out to queue and vote who matter. And an emotional feeling of rejection trumps all.

And so for all the debates and interviews and media appearances and campaign events of the past few months we see almost no change in the polls at all. If anything, there has been almost a percentage point swing to Trump, which could be enough to swing the election in such a tight race. Polls in US elections can be very volatile, but this year they have been utterly stable - indicating that some very deep underlying factors are at play that change only very slowly, if at all.

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And this is also reflected in the battleground states...

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Harris may still be marginally ahead by less than 1% in her must win states, but she is losing ground everywhere and the momentum is all with Trump. It's his race to lose now, and it is difficult to see what more he can do to lose it. He has had an absolutely dreadful campaign and is still pulling ahead.

Equally, it is difficult to see what Harris can do to turn things around. She is playing by the classic campaigning rules, and it is getting her nowhere. More and more evidence is piling up about how well the economy is currently doing and how it has historically done so much better under Democratic Presidents.

It was Bill Clinton who pointed out that since the end of the Cold war, Democratic Presidents have created 50 million new jobs, while Republican Presidents have created one million. It was President Bush who brought us the financial crash, due, in part, to his program of banking deregulation. It was Obama who had to clean up the mess.

But it doesn't seem to matter. Emotion and gut feeling does. Warnings that Trump is becoming increasingly incoherent and fascist in his rantings miss the point. Americans have no folk memory of a Hitler or a Franco and thus no guardrails against such an outcome. It's all about immediate emotional gratification, and Trump seems to be supplying it for an increasing number of voters. It's easier just to hate on immigrants, political opponents, or sexual minorities and blame them for all your woes.

A growing number of Americans in key swing states appear to want a "strongman" leader who tells them whom to blame, and Harris just doesn't fit that profile.



Trump ... sexually in control 😂 🤣

JFK ... RFK ... Clinton ...

Today's politics in America is 25 years in the making ...

Rise of Populism Based on Terror and Islamophobia

Trump riding the wave of neo-fascism in the Western world ... read Steve Bannon and the alt-right ... shaking hands with Nigel Farage. Fake news - disinformation and conspiracies. Elon Musk king of 🤥

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Oct 19th, 2024 at 12:01:58 AM EST
It was President Bush who brought us the financial crash, due, in part, to his program of banking deregulation.

Bill Clinton and banking deregulation ...

A refresher ...

The Financial Crisis 10 Years On | BoE |

With the enforced expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe creating instability, not security. Poor brinkmanship, not Bill by himself but the American short-sightedness on foreign policy. The rise of ultra-right has its roots in Barry Goldwater from 1964 ... a year after the never fully resolved Kennedy assassination.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sun Oct 20th, 2024 at 05:02:55 AM EST
[ Parent ]

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Oct 19th, 2024 at 12:35:16 PM EST
Trump Seems Completely Spent | BooMan23 |

After Politico reporter Eugene Daniels got wind that Donald Trump's campaign was privately explaining interview cancellations were due to their candidates' "exhaustion," the campaign naturally denied it and said Trump was "running laps" around Kamala Harris. But there's no doubt about the cancellations themselves.

When he has done interviews, they've been with friendly outlets, but they still haven't gone well. Last Sunday, he raised eyebrows during an interview with Fox News when he avoided a question about having a peaceful election by saying, "I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical-left lunatics," and arguing that "it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by [the] National Guard or, if really necessary, by the military, because they can't let that happen." It's unclear how Trump, as a mere candidate for office, could order the national guard or military to attack people on the left, but it gives some insight into how he plans to deal with critics if reelected.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Oct 19th, 2024 at 12:39:53 PM EST
[ Parent ]
Trmp is not trying to win the popular vote as he didn't really try to win the popular vote in 2016.  He's going to sue, sue, sue (among other things) if he doesn't get the results he wants and knows that there are 6 votes on the Supreme Court which would love to hand him the Presidency if they can figure out any excuse to do so.

Given that, according to a 20 year study of nearly 2000 policy proposals, politices with over 90% public approval get enacted about 60% of the time*, USAmerican politics is entertainment more than anything else.  Kayfabe, baby!

Voting is essential but it isn't an effective way to create change when government itself, Republican or Democratic, is so hard to move.

*Democracy in America? by Page and Gilens

Solar IS Civil Defense

by gmoke on Sat Oct 19th, 2024 at 11:32:07 PM EST
I will stay hopeful until the last vote is counted ...

Too many known unknown although early voting is well underway ... in key states it will be about willpower to cast your vote in long cue lines or perhaps a bit of rough weather in the Great Lakes states.

There are millions of voters who decide at the last minute ... everyone wants to vote the winner ... a clear winner could mean others will stay home ... the down ballot races may be important in swing states. Slowly it will be decision time and election night Tuesday 5th of November ...

Democrats brace for a possible crack in the blue wall and signs of North Carolina slipping | NBC News - 21 Oct 2024 |

The Harris campaign has privately flagged concerns about Michigan. But officials stress the race is close across the board.

Personally I tried to listen to her speeches ... it lacks enthusiasm, vision and a campaign strategy ... living in the Washington bubble Kamala has become a grey mouse ... I fear the worst, hope for the best and a surprise.

Don't lower yourself to name calling and a response to fascist rhetoric ... leave that to your war room and campaign team ... every day Israel keeps murdering civilians in Gaza and Lebanon ... the more he lifts Trump into a Royal seat in the White House. ☢️ toxic.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Oct 26th, 2024 at 04:51:37 PM EST
See my latest diary ... Genocide

... taking a leave of absence 🏝️

Just as in 2016 - 2020 and today in 2024, with either candidate there is no Hope for this world of endless wars, inhumane economic sanctions, assassinations and coercive diplomacy. The unipolar power has proven to be a disaster.

Twenty years of blogging has been a great adventure finding out who I am.

PS how are you doing Cat?

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Oct 26th, 2024 at 07:22:24 PM EST
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Martin knows domestic politics, insight in the bubble envelop of Washington DC and surely de Keystone State. Here is his take on early voting ...

Democracy a guarantee for FREE and FAIR voting ... not in USA 🇺🇸

GOP PA: "Your days are numbered BITCH!"

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Sat Nov 2nd, 2024 at 08:06:49 AM EST

    Image credit geology.com

Understanding Pennsylvania's Early Vote | Booman23 |

This year I am going to revert back to how I voted in 2016, in person on Election Day at that elementary school. Even though I'm tempted to vote early to help GOTV efforts, I like voting in person on Election Day and I especially like knowing my vote will be counted right away, and everyone will see it on their television screens on Election Night.

I tell this story because it will help you understand the significance of this article in Politico.

The main theme of the article is about the early vote with Pennsylvanians over 65, and I'm not that old yet. But there are two things about the elder vote here that are encouraging to the Democrats. The first and most important is that several polls are showing Harris winning the elder vote, where Clinton and Biden lost it. The second is that pollsters are asking people they contact who have already cast a ballot who they voted for, and they're seeing an advantage for Harris here, too.

This is positive news, but it's not why I'm writing this.


This is exactly what we expected to see, with the Republicans cannibalizing more of their Election Day vote than the Democrats. Now, put that together with the data on the elder vote, and the Democrats are feeling good. That's because "voters over the age of 65 have cast nearly half of the early ballots" and "registered Democrats account for about 58 percent of votes cast by seniors, compared to 35 percent for Republicans."

Then there's survey data on the elder vote as a whole. The most recent Fox News poll of Pennsylvania  has Trump "running 5 percentage points behind Harris among voters ages 65 and over." That's troubling for the Republicans because elders have the highest percentage turnout of any demographic, and 53 percent of them voted for Trump last time in a losing effort.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Nov 2nd, 2024 at 08:09:05 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Trump and Harris are both a normal polling error away from a blowout | ABC News |

This raises two questions for 2024: First, what would happen if the polls are off again? And second, how likely is it that the polls will be off by as much as they were in 2016 or 2020?

Either Trump or Harris could win comfortably

In 2020, polls overestimated Biden's margin over Trump by about 4 percentage points in competitive states. As of Oct. 30 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern, the margin between Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump in 538's polling averages is smaller than 4 points in seven states: the familiar septet of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. That means that, if the polling error from 2020 repeats itself, Trump would win all seven swing states and 312 Electoral College votes.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sat Nov 2nd, 2024 at 05:48:03 PM EST
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One can ultra-research significance in your thinking ... in crime investigation it is called "tunnel vision" or in Dutch "met oogkleppen op."

Nate Silver @NateSilver538 12h

There are some confounders here, but the inflation thing is actually statistically significant! Each additional $100 of inflation in a state since January 2021 predicts a further 1.6 swing against Harris in our polling average vs. the Biden-Trump margin in 2020.

Grabbing headlines

In 2020, the polls showed Biden with the incredible lead in the Rust Belt states that insured a landslide victory. The only thing counteracting that was the Selzer poll, which should have showed Iowa maybe Trump +1 or two or maybe even Biden plus one but instead showed Trump +8. This threw Cold water on the entire idea that Biden was going to win in a massive landslide. Which turned out to be true. He barely won.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Nov 3rd, 2024 at 04:36:20 PM EST
[ Parent ]

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