by Oui
Tue Aug 6th, 2024 at 05:02:58 PM EST
This crap used to be published on Murdoch's rag WSJ ...
The Cost of Exaggerating the Gaza Protests | Newsweek - 3 June 2024 |
Some campuses were riven by demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war, but most, as the Monthly has noted, were not--including mine in Indiana. The cost we all pay when the mainstream media fails.
The mainstream media, anti-intellectuals on the right, and enemies of Israel on the left would have us believe that the youth of America is exploding in anti-war activism. Scenes of campus encampments full of students demanding that their universities "divest" from the Jewish state and breathless reports of young voters angered over the American-Israel alliance have dominated the news cycle for weeks and have only begun to taper off now that school's out for summer. Many pundits have speculated that youthful disaffection with Biden over his aid of Israel's war against Hamas will lead to an electoral disaster in November.
It isn't that the encampments aren't real, but they are far from representative of the typical college campus, young voter, or even the American position on the Middle East.
There are approximately 1,500 four-year colleges in the United States. Encampments, walkouts, protests, and sit-ins took place at almost 140 campuses--most of them poorly attended and alienated from majority opinion.
The Institute of Politics at Harvard University announced poll results that were inconvenient and, for that reason, largely ignored by cable news and the rabid anti-Israel left hoping to seize the moment. The Harvard Youth Poll surveyed 18 to 29-year-olds about what political issues they consider most important. Out of 16 options, the conflict in the Middle East ranked 15th.
Actual events, as opposed to the pseudo-variety, bear much closer resemblance to what I experienced in the spring semester at the commuter school where I teach--Indiana University Northwest in Gary, Indiana. Home to 3,600 students, the campus remained quiet from October 7 to spring commencement. There was a grand total of one event protesting Israel--a panel discussion in a small theater with between 20 and 30 people in the audience.
A manifesto of SHAME ...
Washington Monthly: A Manifesto of SHAME ...
The Shift: IU cracks down on Palestine, Sanders Israel resolution flops
Indiana University (IU) is one of the latest schools to crack down on free speech on Palestine. Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate votes not to know about Israeli war crimes in Gaza.
The target this time around is a faculty member: tenured associate professor of political science and Middle Eastern studies Abdulkader Sinno. He's been suspended from teaching until next fall because he helped students members of the Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) organize a public event at the school.
The details are not surprising, as we've seen this scenario play out countless times before. The scheduled event was a November talk from Miko Peled, an Israeli-American activist (and Mondoweiss contributor) who has advocated for a one-state solution in the region.
APSA Statement on Indiana University's Sanctioning of Professor Abdulkader Sinno
The Death of Debate on Palestine and Israel
Since the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 and subsequent war in Gaza, discussion of the conflict has been shut down like never before
Less obviously political interventions have been met with furor, too. In March, a personal essay by Israeli writer and translator Joanna Chen led to as many as 15 volunteer editorial staffers resigning from Guernica magazine; in response, the U.S.-based outlet retracted the essay. In "From the Edges of a Broken World" -- which was subsequently published by the Washington Monthly -- Chen, who volunteers to drive Palestinian children from Gaza and the West Bank to hospitals in Israel for medical treatment -- wrote about trying to find understanding with Palestinians as an Israeli Jew in the aftermath of Oct. 7.
Madhuri Sastry, a co-publisher who quit the magazine over the piece, published a post on X explaining her decision: "It is, among many other things, a hand-wringing apologia for Zionism and the ongoing genocide in Palestine. I am deeply ashamed to see this piece in Guernica's pages, and sincerely apologize to writers, readers and supporters who feel betrayed by this decision."
The fallout continued the following month. On April 5, Jina Moore Ngarambe resigned as editor-in-chief of the magazine over the incident. "After weeks of difficult conversation, it is clear to me that Guernica's space for writing on war, injustice, and oppression has evolved away from commitments I consider essential," she posted on X.
UN Security Council Resolution
Gaza: Security Council adopts US resolution calling for 'immediate, full and complete ceasefire' | 10 June 2024 |
UN World Court ICJ in The Hague - Decision on Genocidal Acts Jewish State of Israel
World court orders Israel to halt military operations in Rafah | ICJ @ United Nations - 24 May 2024 |
ICC statement request arrest warrants Hamas leaders and Israeli leaders Netanyahu and Gallant
International Criminal Court prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Israel PM and Hamas leaders | Channel 4 News |
The Prosecutor's Uphill Legal Battle?: The Netanyahu and Gallant ICC Arrest Warrant Requests
How college protests against war in Gaza compare to demonstrations of the past
The impact of student encampments for Gaza at universities worldwide | Al Jazeera - 10 May 2024 |
After the escalation at US student encampments, we revisit the students raising their voices to protest Israel's ongoing war on Gaza.
Anti-war student protesters have been met with brutal pro-Israel counterprotests, violent arrests and suspensions, raising debates around freedom of expression and the future of activism on college campuses. What started as a student encampment at Columbia University in New York City three weeks ago has now turned into a global student movement, expanding to Europe, Australia, Canada and beyond. We'll get the latest from the campus grounds and ask w hat is next for the global student movement for Gaza.
Stop the occupation ... End the brutal treatment of Palestinians ...