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City Agriculture - September 4, 2024

by gmoke Thu Sep 5th, 2024 at 03:08:03 AM EST

No Waste Army to rescue climate-changed vegetables (and farmers)
http://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/29/its-not-beautiful-but-you-can-still-eat-it-clim ate-change-leads-to-more-wonky-vegetables-in-netherlands

Agrivoltaics - growing adoption and new technologies

Indoor farming for CO2 capture
Editorial Comment:  I remember someone presenting this idea for greenhouses as direct air capture [DAC] of CO2 from coal and gas generators at an MIT climate conference about a decade ago.

Farm Urban - a community-wide initiative for growing food in Liverpool, UK

Lawyers supporting natural plants against local weed ordinances

Urban rice terrace roofs to avoid flooding and sponge city forms
http://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240805-how-ancient-rice-terraces-inspire-flood-resilience-in-asi an-cities

Kindergarteners drop seeds in the crack of the sidewalk
http://streetartutopia.com/2024/04/28/kindergarten-children-dropped-seeds-in-the-crack-of-the-sidewa lk-to-see-what-would-happen/

Editorial Comment:
       I can't remember seeing it any other way but whole, a big
round rock wheeling about the heavens and comin' on green to
crack sidewalks, gentle and undemanding, as if I saw it first,
approaching it from somewhere else.
Lew Welch, "He Begins to Recount His Adventures"

Rooftop farm, restaurant, and bar in Copenhagen

Whole country survey of agrivoltaics - Canada

Survey of current solar energy + agriculture, agrivoltaic, projects around the world
http://cleantechnica.com/2024/08/28/new-agrivoltaic-project-pairs-high-tech-solar-panels-with-shrimp -shaped-yams

A little history:

Lawns to Legumes - Minnesota state project for "installing pollinator-friendly native plantings in residential lawns" - a Tim Walz initiative it seems and the first state to do this
hat tip Monica Raymond

Ecological restoration of the Klamath River basin after dam removal
http://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240903-removing-the-klamath-river-dams-to-restore-the-river-what -happens-next

More city agriculture?
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. no 0%
. not yes 0%
. not no 0%
. neither yes nor no 0%
. both yes and no 0%
. don't understand the question? 0%
. none of the above 0%

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