by Oui
Wed Jan 1st, 2025 at 10:36:35 AM EST
Your take on today's news media - Open Thread
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- EUROPE - the public affairs of the vast European continent, NATO contours.
- ECONOMY & FINANCE - with a focus on the competitive global crisis.
- NORTH AMERICA - focus on Canada - USA - Mexico beyond walls and immigration
- ASIA -- PACIFIC - geopolitics, affairs of nations, building supranational alliances.
- GLOBAL SOUTH - development population growth, struggle for survival and effect global warming.
- LIVING OFF THE PLANET - what we extract from the planet and the effect we have: environment, energy, agriculture, food...
- LIVING ON THE PLANET - how humans live together: society, culture, history, science and technology, information...
- ON THIS DATE - an occasional item about what happened on this date in history.
- PEOPLE AND KLATSCH - stories about people and of course also for gossipy items. But it's also there for open discussion at any time.
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