Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

NATO War Rhetoric A Hot Air Balloon

by Oui Sun Jan 12th, 2025 at 06:24:32 PM EST

... slowly deflating as the White House changes occupancy.

Have been following the leadership of Mark Rutte ... in anti-Russia propaganda and horrific war mongering ... has been seconded past years by Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer @NATO ... who needs hard-nosed US Commander Gen. Philip Breedlove? Re: Supreme Allied Command, Europe, SHAPE.


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Opening statement by Rob Bauer is a complete falsification and fiction … I understood the Economic Community, thus the European Union was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize … not the forever war warmongers off the Atlantic Council, Hoover Institution, Neocons, AEI, nor NATO did receive an honor of peacekeeping. A false start for this US Army propaganda film.

In 1949, twelve nations from Europe and North America formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. Organized against the backdrop of war-ravaged Europe, the purpose of NATO was to deter and defend Europe and the North Atlantic from Soviet aggression. Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, NATO remained a significant international, defensive alliance. From deterrence against the Warsaw Pact and USSR to current defense against Russian threats, NATO continues to uphold its original mission.

Watch NATO: An Enduring Alliance to learn more about the alliance and its place in international affairs.

This film features interviews with Admiral Robert Bauer, Royal Netherlands Navy, 33rd Chair of the Military Committee of NATO and General Philip M. Breedlove, United States Air Force (Ret), 17th Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) of NATO Allied Command Operations. The interviews were conducted at the University of Kansas and the Dole Institute of Politics in 2024.

NATO Through The Years | NATO Propaganda Film | 2024

From EuroTrib archives [and BooMan] I have covered both warmonger Gen. Breedlove and in recent years during Ukraine crisis, Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer ... enduring warmongering to hit Russia.

Siamese Twins @NATO - Bauer and Breedlove | 4 April 2024 |

Failed US foreign policy embedded in the person of Senator/VP/President Joe Biden ... listen to the war propagandists I have warned about .... War doesn't security make ... Peace does ... lessons for Middle East, Israel and Palestine and the lesson not learned in Ukraine.

General Breedlove was poison for security in Europe ... by extension Rob Bauser is continuing the insanity.

NATO was founded in the aftermath of total destruction in Europe, to ensure a new rise of a fascist German state would be deterred.

The British Secretary General of NATO proposed the change to all outside risks, meaning a strengthening of the Soviet Union as the Korean War unfolded and the USSR became a atomic power equal to the United States.


It is often said that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in response to the threat posed by the Soviet Union. This is only partially true. In fact, the Alliance's creation was part of a broader effort to serve three purposes: deterring Soviet expansionism, forbidding the revival of nationalist militarism in Europe through a strong North American presence on the continent, and encouraging European political integration.

The aftermath of World War II saw much of Europe devastated in a way that is now difficult to envision. Approximately 36.5 million Europeans had died in the conflict, 19 million of them civilians. Refugee camps and rationing dominated daily life. In some areas, infant mortality rates were one in four. Millions of orphans wandered the burnt-out shells of former metropolises. In the German city of Hamburg alone, half a million people were homeless.

The H-Bomb - 1956 Atom Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb 41300 HD

Top NATO military chair warns business leaders to prepare for ‘wartime scenario’ | NY Post - 25 Nov 2024 |

The chair of NATO’s military committee warned business leaders to prepare for a “wartime scenario” and bring their production lines back home, rather than relying on China or Russia, to avoid blackmail or sabotage — as former and future US President Donald Trump has vowed to restore his “America First” agenda.

Speaking at an event Monday for the European Policy Centre think tank, Dutch Adm. Rob Bauer said instability in global politics could leave businesses at the mercy of foreign governments, especially if war were to break out.

“Businesses need to be prepared for a wartime scenario and adjust their production and distribution lines accordingly,” Bauer said. “Because while it may be the military who wins battles, it’s the economies that win wars.”

The NATO military chair said Europe has already gotten a taste of this over the tumultuous Gazprom fuel deal, the terms of which Russian President Vladimir Putin stepped in to change following the European Union’s backing of Ukraine in 2022.

    WTF …Just like Breedlove, one never knows whether he is a military, an economist, politician or just a bastard warmongering positioning Europe to fight a stupid war against Russia … not even a GDP of any single G7 country and dwarfed by the EU-27.

“And the same goes for Chinese-owned infrastructure and goods. We actually have a deal with [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping].”

The NATO military chief noted that 60% of all earth materials are produced in China, with 90% of the products also processed there.

The bulk of ingredients for critical health care items, including sedatives, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and low blood pressure medicines, all come from China as well, Bauer said.

He warned that it would be naive for business leaders to believe that the Chinese Communist Party would not stoop to targeting foreign business in its country to disrupt the economies of potential adversaries.

The dire warning comes as Trump has vowed to prioritize an “America First” agenda, which could include setting 60% tariffs on most goods imported from China in an effort to protect domestic industries.

Rightwing Sunday program … this was the trigger to write this diary … will search for transcript and translation to English … what a sad person … arguments falling apart … already based on propaganda and disinformation …

[Work in progress ... ]

More to come

Contradicting the 'West' bashing

by Martin Thu Aug 14th, 2008
I have to strongly disagree with several diaries and comments, both posted here in ET (e.g. The Ruskies are back. Praise the Lord!) or at dkos in Jerome's most recent (diaries on the Georgian War):

The narrative is, that the Western press would unanimously condemn Russia and generally ascribe Putin as 'evil' compared to the 'good' west.
For the beginning I want to start with translation of an article from the pro-atlantic, conservative German newspaper FAZ, which was earlier this day on their online front page at the top:

Zerwürfnis in der Nato
Politik des leeren Stuhls

Sorry for such a long article, but I wanted to prevent the accusation to suppress anti-Russian statements. And with the long translation I have now no energy left for highlighting.
As I see it, there is no such thing as a common Western position and Russia is not painted as simply evil.

About Putin there were press articles describing how he  gave flowers to Merkel and held breakfast with her, how he visited Dresden, the city where he lived some time, and so on. Sure, there are critical articles, but a demonisation - no.

[Translation could improve ... last paragraph now machine translated]

Rupture in NATO / Politics of the empty chair

[by Nicolas Busse]

More quickly than even pessimists feared, the war in Georgia is leading to a serious rift in NATO. Since the beginning of this week, several meetings have taken place at the alliance's Brussels headquarters, which have revealed deep differences of opinion between the 26 allies - about how to deal with Russia and about the question of whether NATO should side with Georgia.

The two camps from the Iraq crisis are forming again: Americans with the British and Eastern Europeans on the one side against Western Europe led by Germany and France on the other. "This divide is getting deeper and deeper," says one diplomat.

The immediate reason for this is the meetings of the alliance with Russia. The Americans had already helped to prevent a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council by demonstratively staying away from a preparatory meeting. The Russians themselves did not make things any easier, however, by demanding that the Council be held before a meeting of the NATO ambassadors with the Georgian ambassador, which most allies felt was not possible due to scheduling constraints.


NATO noticed how quickly the Russians moved their troops after the Georgian advance. After all, there were around 10,000 soldiers in Abkhazia and between 10,000 and 20,000 in South Ossetia. It seemed as if Moscow was just waiting for an opportunity to teach the Georgians a lesson. The result was definitely massive. Important military infrastructure in Georgia has been destroyed, including an air radar facility that was actually supposed to be used to exchange data with NATO. The four brigades with which Georgia advanced into South Ossetia have apparently been largely destroyed and fled. The country's defense now consists of just one brigade, which was brought back from Iraq with American help and is now protecting Tbilisi.

Russia itself, however, also wants to rethink its relations with NATO. "Our relationship with the alliance can only change," said the Russian ambassador to NATO, Dimitrij Rogozin, to a television station in his country. He complained that NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer had not said a word about the victims of the Georgian attacks in an official statement. This came as no surprise to anyone in NATO. The Dutchman De Hoop Scheffer is considered to be Washington's informant within the alliance.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 13th, 2025 at 10:47:16 AM EST
Jerome's comment @dKos

I blame Georgia

Saakashvili is a regular in the WSJ Op-Ed pages, calling for NATO membership and calling Europeans wimps and cowards for not standing up to bully Russia while provoking it in every possible way - your standard neocon.

He's been playing martyr to distract from his domestic failures, and he's been trying really hard to drag the West in his petty conflicts with Russia.

Russia has a history of palying hardball in the region, so deep wariness is justified, but he's gone far beyond that.

And I worry about his seeming ability to pain himself as the poor oppressed democrat fighting the big bad bully.

I'd also point out that the West, in pushing Kosovo to declare independence, largely caused this crisis because the situation of South Ossetia and other similar territories in Georgia is very much similar to that of Kosovo. Discourse about the territorial sovereignty of Georgia rings hollow when we ignored it for Serbia (despite Russia's repeated warnings).

We've been playing with fire - again - and have been encouraging a neocon to go provoke the Russians and to drag Europe (via NATO) into the conflict. Swell.

McCain's Ties with Lobbyist Scheunemann | @BooMan - 15 Aug 2008 |

Shit happens ... repeatedly ... by the same forces in power ... talking "democracy" and sovereignty while planning the next coup d'état 🤬

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 13th, 2025 at 10:48:36 AM EST
[ Parent ]
Of course, former NATO SG Jaap De Hoop Scheffer made an astonishing admission in December 2017 ... NATO has driven Vladimir Putin into a corner, making him more radical.

In essence, the elite in Washington DC will not tolerate Europe as an economic power house and must be suppressed. Ever since the financial crisis, the pandemic and the rise of Tea Party fanatics, the fate of the EU was written in the stars. An economic bond between Russia and Europe must be destroyed at all cost. The legacy of VP president Biden has been written in stone. Turning the Cold War into an existential battle on the doorstep of Europe on the Eastern frontier with the Russian Federation.

"Atlantiker" versus "Gaullisten". Zur Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland während der sechziger Jahre

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 13th, 2025 at 10:49:21 AM EST
[ Parent ]
In defence of NATO 
by JakeS  on Mar 2nd, 2009
This is actually a diary
One of the questions that has been raised a couple of times on ET but never quite, in my opinion, adequately answered is "what is NATO good for?" For some reason, most people who write diaries on how NATO and the Union can integrate their political and military command and control structures seem to develop urgent appointments elsewhere whenever the question is raised...
The only coherent response to the question (that I've seen) is Marek's analysis, which can - I think - be briefly summarised as "Eastern Europe suffers from a severe case of rysskräck, and view NATO membership as the only way to obtain a credible (read: American) security guarantee against a hypothetical Russian violation of their sovereignty or territorial integrity.

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 13th, 2025 at 10:51:31 AM EST
In a single expression: MAGA 🇺🇸 for America's Military Industrial Complex 😂

President Donald J. Trump Hosts NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg At The White House - May 17, 2018

"In the nearly seven decades since Harry  
Truman spoke those words, the NATO Alliance  
has been the bulwark of international peace
and security"
- President Donald J. Trump

A LASTING COMMITMENT: President Trump is continuing the legacy of transatlantic unity and is working with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg toward a successful July 11-12, 2018, NATO Summit.

REVITALIZING NATO: NATO countries are undertaking the most significant reinforcement of collective defense since the end of the Cold War to enhance the Alliance's ability to deter Russia, fight terrorism, and defend NATO territory.

In 2017, NATO deployed a new, enhanced Forward Presence to improve the collective defense of our NATO Allies ...

America On Path to Break-up the European Union | 21 May 2018 |

Very much the theme of the AngloSaxon conservatives joined by the alt-right across the Western world ... once again warmongering coming out of the Pentagon, White House and the National Security Council under leadership of neocon John Bolton.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Jan 13th, 2025 at 10:56:36 AM EST

    Yalta, the Twilight of the Giants

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jan 15th, 2025 at 11:28:09 AM EST

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