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NATO a Tool to Expand American Neo-colonialism

by Oui Tue Jan 14th, 2025 at 10:51:13 AM EST

Came across this excellent writing in EuroTrib archives ...

Why NATO is a thing of the Past

by Frank Schnittger Wed Feb 25th, 2009

NATO is seeking to use Web 2.0 technologies to engage with a wider public and obtain new ideas from bloggers.  But is NATO really a thing of the past rather than the future of Europe?

[An extended description of the history of chosen Irish neutrality ... the Albion suspicion from Churchill and World War II and colonization]


The Cold war was replaced by Pax Americana and for a period - when Clinton was a hero because of his active engagement in the Northern Irish Peace Process - NATO membership might have been a problematic issue only for a left wing fringe although it wasn't seriously considered at the time.

But then came Bush and Iraq - a war which 70% of the Irish population opposed - many vehemently - and which inspired some of the largest anti-war demonstrations anywhere.  The traditional close Irish/US relations became as strained as they have ever been by extraordinary renditions and US troop transfers to Iraq through Shannon.  Joining NATO once again became a total non-starter.

Continued below the fold ...

So what is NATO now except a relic of the Cold War and of the US Empire?  A colonial relic to be taken over by the EU after its Eastern enlargement?  Why should the US be allowed to have military bases throughout Europe and to jeopardise relations with Russia through active encirclement and aggressive military domination?

The adventurism of the Georgian President: Mikheil Saakashvili in South Ossetia shows how easily the EU could be dragged into a conflict with Russia that is simply not in its collective interest.  

NATO, from this perspective, now becomes a vehicle for a "divide and conquer" strategy by a US Military Industrial Complex perhaps not even fully under the control of democratic institutions in Washington. [Highlighted by me - Oui]

I appreciate that former Soviet Satellite and Warsaw Pact countries want a bulwark against Russian Hegemony and the fear of re-conquest is or aggression by Russia is real.  I also appreciate it will be a long time before the EU achieves a military cohesion and capability which could credibly replace the US as the guarantor of East European sovereignty and security.

But ultimately it is in the interest of the US Military Industrial Complex to seek to exacerbate divisions and divide and conquer  Europe to prevent it becoming a credible competitor to a US empire which maintains military installations and bases in over 100 nominally independent and sovereign nations - many surrounding Russia.

Ultimately it is in the interest of the EU to maintain cordial relations with Russia, and perhaps even, ultimately, offer EU membership to Russia.  We share too many economic, energy and political interests in common.

These arguments are still valid today ...

During the reign of George Bush - Dick Cheney - Vicky Nuland the initiative for further expansion into Ukraine and Georgia became a matter of NATO policy.

The rest became a matter of militarization of information warfare (UK played a key role and still does today) ... a propaganda war of disinformation, corporate media, think tanks, funding by the military industrial complex and obfuscation of facts.

The proxy war of Ukraine on Russia was forced through by lack of any honest brokering of a security deal and absolute refusal by the Biden-Blinken administration to do diplomacy ... a great disappointment for me for the last 4 years of an administration run by Democrats.

The global community is in limbo waiting to suffer another 4 years of Republican domination of the White House and U.S. Congress ... Europe quite likely to be the mercenary to fight Russia alongside of a battered Ukraine. Increasing the MAGA sourced weapons, munitions, aircraft and missiles by a whopping 250% or more to 5% of GDP. Indeed a century ahead of Pax Americana.

The battle will expand to the Far East and the Republic of Communist China.🇨🇳

See also my recent diaries on the current developments in Europe, fully in war mode for more ...

Every time when this rhetoric is used by politician to promote warfare, I'm reminded of FDR and the Four Freedoms... basically the founding constitution of the European Union 🥲

Franklin D. Roosevelt Full Inaugural Address March 4, 1933 - Audio only


How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War by Samuel Moyn

... the great Russian novelist and pacifist Leo Tolstoy already "understood that humanity in warfare, for all its virtues, opened up the possibility of a new vice-- facilitating and legitimating war rather than controlling its outbreak or ending its continuation"

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Tue Jan 14th, 2025 at 05:56:27 PM EST
"This is the definition of a pathological state steeped in delusions and led by Emperors with leaderless armies, shouting commands into the wind."

For a moment I thought you were describing the US/EU and NATO ...

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jan 15th, 2025 at 11:10:02 AM EST

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