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Painting Depicts Sorrow, But Also Gratitude

by Oui Mon Jan 20th, 2025 at 02:21:23 PM EST


Gabor Maté: Gaza, Zionism, and the 'exploitation' of Jewish trauma | The Take - 3 days ago |

Where are the visionaries to end this total madness??

A Force of Distortion: Effects of Media Bias on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Fall 2013 - Spring 2014 |

The Israeli-Palestine conflict has been a topic of great debate for many decades. I myself have been personally involved in this conflict to a certain extent, not only as an Israeli citizen but as a former soldier of the Israeli Defense Forces. Serving in the Air Force for two years of my life and spending up to ten years in the country before my service, I have seen the effects on Israeli citizens of stereotypical media depictions of Palestinians and the choice of a specific type of narrative. I believe that, at the heart of the struggle, there are two fundamentally different narratives of two peoples that play out in their respective media. While conflicts of this nature are undeniably complex and cannot be attributed to any single factor, I believe the media to be one agent that has had a great influence on the parties involved. Whether through unintentional bias or intentional manipulation, the Israeli and Palestinian media play a major role in fueling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Clashes between these two peoples date back to the first yishuv, or settlement, of Jews in Palestine at the end of the 19th century, but the organized warfare of today was first witnessed in the spring of 1948, following Israel's declaration of independence when a coalition of Arab forces fought against the newly established state of Israel (Geddes 285). Every year on the anniversary of this monumental declaration, Israelis take to the streets in celebration of their Independence Day, while Palestinians mourn the anniversary of Al Nakba, or the Catastrophe. Since Israel's declaration of independence, the region has been marked by hostilities and violence. In the past year alone the international media followed Israel's Pillar of Defense operation. During the eight day operation, Hamas militants fired hundreds of missiles into Israeli territory while the Israeli military dropped hundreds of bombs into the Gaza strip. Even though the majority of those involved in both regions disagree with their nation's militant tactics, the Israeli and Palestinian media create a hostile environment in which such violence can continue to flourish.

My previous diary ...

Holocaust Day - Gaza Genocide Halted

From archive ...

Founding Fathers and God Given Rights of Palestinians | July 4th, 2014 |

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East Editor Exposed as CIA, Mossad Collaborator

According to his LinkedIn profile, Raffi Berg was an employee of the U.S. State Department's Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) three years before joining the BBC. The FBIS is understood the world over to be a CIA front group known for gathering intelligence for the agency.


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