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Biden and American Manifest Destiny [Update]

by Oui Thu Jan 9th, 2025 at 09:23:00 PM EST

In an April 2007 interview ShalomTV Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) declares "I am a Zionist' and discusses his support for Israel in relationship to the Iraq War he supported. Israel lobby in support of Ariel Sharon in the past and Netanyahu ... building settlements. ... apartheid ... abuse of human rights.

VIDEO: Joe Biden tells ShalomTV  "I am a Zionist" in 2007

"I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist"

... current Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, said in April 2007, soon before he was chosen to be Barack Obama's running mate in the 2008 elections.

Biden is, of course, correct, because Zionism is a political movement that is rooted in 20th-century nationalism and fascism. Its use of religious dogmas is prompted by political expediency, not spirituality or faith.

Unlike US President, Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders, Biden's only serious opponent in the Democratic primaries, Biden's stand on Israel is rarely examined.

But where does Biden factor into all of this? Below is a brief examination of Biden's record on Palestine and Israel in recent years.

Joe the humanist on apartheid ... South Africa that is

The clip dates back to 23 July 1986, during a senate hearing involving Reagan's then-Secretary of State, George Schultz.

Joe Biden makes impassioned speech on apartheid in resurfaced 1986 footage | The Independent |

Mr Biden is seen passionately speaking out in support of the majority black population of South Africa, and against the oppressive apartheid regime.

Israel Furious w Trump's Message on X

Trump had reposted on X Jeffrey Sachs' video on the Gaza conflict blaming Netanyahu.

Trump shares video criticizing Netanyahu's 'obsessive' push for US-Iran conflict | Anadolu Agency |

Netanyahu 'is nothing if not obsessive, and he's still trying to get us to fight Iran this day, this week,' Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs says in lecture

US President-elect Donald Trump shared a video online Wednesday showing an academic criticizing what he called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "obsessive" efforts to involve the US in war with Iran.

The video shows Columbia University's Jeffrey Sachs examining the motives behind the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. Sachs alleges that the push for war stemmed from the long-standing strategy by Netanyahu - who first served as Israeli premier in 1996-1999 - to dismantle regimes supporting groups like Palestinian Hamas and Lebanese Hezbollah.

"Where did that war come from? You know what? It's quite surprising. That war came from Netanyahu, actually," said Sachs, an economist.

"Netanyahu had, from 1995 onward, the theory that the only way we're going to get rid of Hamas and Hezbollah is by toppling the governments that support them. That's Iraq, Syria, and Iran. And the guy is nothing if not obsessive, and he's still trying to get us to fight Iran this day, this week," he said, calling the Israeli leader a "deep, dark son of a bitch."

"He's gotten us into endless wars, and because of the power of all of this in the US politics, he's gotten his way, but that war was totally phony," Sachs added, perhaps referring to the disproven "weapons of mass destruction" claims then-President George W. Bush used to justify the war.

Sachs also claimed that in 2011, then-US President Barack Obama instructed the CIA to overthrow the Syrian government.

The post came on the eve of Trump's Jan. 20 return to White House and amid Israel's continued devastating attacks on Palestine, which since October 2023 have killed over 46,000 people and reduced much of the Gaza Strip to rubble.

Speaking to Anadolu last November, Sachs said Trump could benefit from Türkiye's "excellence in diplomacy" in dealing with wars in the Mideast and Ukraine.

Trump shares 'inflammatory' video with crude reference to Netanyahu | The Guardian |

MAGA Rhetoric a New American Imperialism

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Pax Americana or Manifest Destiny

The 19th-century imperialistic geopolitical agenda envisaged America as a divinely ordained guardian of global democracy and freedom.

Manifest Destiny: Is this expansionist US political doctrine driving Trump? | TRT World |


From the diaries … damn prophetic ☹

Could this be our future? Schools for the UnEnlightened

by ghostdancers way Thu Jul 28th, 2005

Manifest Destiny

There were constant complaints filed to Indian agents, school administrators about the quality of their children's education and its lack of emphasis on tribal relationships and the cultural values of the tribes when they were allowed home visits.

Here is a link to a conversation between an Indian Commissioner and Chief Joseph concerning Indian Schools. There is also some wonderful information concerning Sitting Bull and the Dawes Commission

Chief Joseph

Here is a link that provides some positive influences of the Indian Schools, though I still find it less than positive that children were forcibly removed from their parents’ custody.

Carlisle School

This essay brings to light not only despair but also hope. It is my fervent hope that the Christian right is not allowed to fulfil its call of Manifest Destiny or Dominion of the Earth dogma. For if they are able to capture the United States of America again, it will not only be the Native Peoples who are told they are going to be Assimilated, it will be all who do not hold dear to the Extreme rights’ Christian theology. I hope and pray that those who hold that the Constitution is a living breathing document, that its truths, that all men are created equal will continue to be upheld. I have read some truly interesting diaries over the last weeks and I for one have great fear for my country and many of the peoples who live in my country. The writing I have given you today, I hope gives you an idea of what can happen to human beings, when others believe their virtues are greater and have more significance than your own. That they can and will strip you of your own culture, your religion or non religion, your principles and values, to further their own cause in the name of their God is transparently available, when you see what happened to the Native Peoples of the America's.

[Original links are dead and have been replaced – Oui]

How "Manifest Destiny" Removed Native Americans from their Land | Reconnecting Roots |

Residential or Industrial schools in the United States and Canada – indigenous people

Colonialism and Assimilation First Nation

Canadian Prime Minister John A. Macdonald commissioned journalist and politician Nicholas Flood Davin to study industrial schools for Indigenous children in the United States.

Report on Industrial Schools for Indians and Half-Breeds | Ottawa - 14th March 1879 |

Report based on study President Ulysses S. Grant to assimilate Indian tribes through Peace Commission of 1869.



'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 at 07:02:42 AM EST
Trump embraces role of demagogue on divine mission to reshape America | The Guardian |

The president cast himself as a holy warrior in a speech that made 2017's `American carnage' theme seem almost innocent

I have censured the Bandit States of the Americas under Trump 2.0. Will not write about American fascism and trust European will see the evil, and act accordingly ... in MAGA selfish, nationalist policy the EU will be targeted as a competitor and adversary. Joe is already erased and forgotten.

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 at 07:04:32 AM EST
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