Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

World tour part three: India

by MillMan Thu Aug 13th, 2009 at 02:06:46 PM EST

I emerge from the airport in Mumbai and get into a cab. The taxi driver speaks.

"You travel here for two months? You are crazy. India no good. Too much war, too much people, too much corruption."

After five weeks in India I have no patience for ancient Tata buses so I hire a taxi to take me to the next city. My driver is maybe 20, likes loud Indian pop music, and subsists on flavored sugar packets which in theory should be mixed with water. He speaks.

"Do you love India? Man, I love India. Best place on the planet."

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World tour part two: Southeast Asia

by MillMan Tue Apr 14th, 2009 at 10:40:04 AM EST

A Cambodian man appears out of the darkness on a motorbike and approaches a group of drunk tourists.

You want skunk?
"Hmm, no. Do you have any Brie?"
No, only skunk.
"I haven't had any Brie in months. God, I would kill someone for some Brie."

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New Zealand and Australia photo blog (graphics heavy)

by MillMan Thu Jan 8th, 2009 at 05:21:58 AM EST

Inspired by In Wales, I thought I should post some photos before I get too far into Asia.

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Water scarcity LQD: cultural failures and policy achievements

by MillMan Sat Dec 1st, 2007 at 11:29:41 PM EST

Searching for information on the Atlanta water crisis, which gets very little media attention, much less the numerical analysis that this issue cries out for, I came across a couple of gems.

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What if a technology requires a perfect government?

by MillMan Wed Jul 11th, 2007 at 04:00:25 AM EST

A comment by DeAnander got me thinking about the evolutionary processes that we cannot escape, along with their implications.

if a technology requires near-perfect government (honest, incorruptible, technologically adept, secure, with continuity, immune to crony capitalism and nepotism, transparent, genuinely servants of the people) in order to prevent its becoming lethal and sublethal for large numbers of citizens, is it a sensible option?  especially when the lethality of the technology has a run-time that exceeds the tenure in power of any government on Earth, ever?

"You are a young race and lay great stock by your own cleverness," Swarm said. "As usual, you fail to see that intelligence is not a survival trait."

- Bruce Sterling, Swarm

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Failure modes of popular discourse

by MillMan Thu Sep 28th, 2006 at 02:19:03 AM EST

and how they hinder world citizens' ability to impact the political process.

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